The Church is a Hospital
It is our goal to partner with any Christian denomination whether church or nonprofit to train a ‘Healing the Hero’ team in your church, your nonprofit or ministry, as a partnership. You provide a sanctuary of safety and non judgment for American Heroes like our veterans, active military, Gold Star Families, First Responders, and their families. Let us give you the skills to heal them quickly with The Jesus Protocol or the Peer Rescue Protocol.
If we can establish a local ‘Healing the Hero’ ministry team in your church community you will be able restore the heroes on an emotional level; saving lives, families, and relationships. The church is a hospital for hurting people, it’s time to heal them.
Turn a guilty giver into a cheerful giver, turn an angry Christian into a peaceful Christian, turn a prideful Christian into a humble Christian all with the Jesus Protocol.
The Jesus Protocol will heal the root injuries of post traumatic stress, anxiety, grief, overwhelming sadness, anger, rage, pride, abandonment, rejection, frustration, un-forgiveness, bitterness, fear, guilt, shame, survivor guilt, low self-worth and more. You will change the patterns of behavior of our heroes that cause problematic outcomes and help them overcome the solution to their problems.
Tactical Resiliency USA, with Dan Jarvis the developer of the Jesus Protocol, the Peer Rescue Protocol and Trauma Resiliency Protocol (link) will conduct the training on site or over zoom. TRUSA is actively training Law Enforcement Agencies, Fire Departments, Federal Agencies, Military, Licensed Professional Counselors, LCSWs, Pastoral Counselors and Ministry Teams.
Our belief is “We can give you a fish or teach you to fish.” We can heal you or teach you to heal each other.
If you would like to become a ministry partner and financially support Healing The Hero we need your financial support. The cost to heal one man, woman or child is only approximately $250, let that sink in. Any contributions toward this goal will support the ministry to accomplish the objective to save another life, or relationship and buy them more time for Jesus to save their soul.
If your church or ministry wants Healing The Hero to come to your church and train your staff and ministry teams contact and schedule a time to meet with him. The training can be remotely over Zoom or in person and is conducted by Tactical Resiliency USA. Obviously in person incurs more expenses but we value the in person training as it helps us to build relationships with you and your team. Even though Healing The Hero focuses on veterans, first responders, active military, and Gold Star Families, your other ministries can be trained with them such as Grief Ministries, Addiction Ministries, Trauma Ministries, Prison Ministries and more.